Facebook for Real Estate Agents!

Are you a real estate agent? Do you want to find out how Facebook for Real estate Agents actually work?

Most Real Estate agents do not understand the power of Facebook and how you can literally make millions of dollars by using the right strategies.

We have witnessed plenty of agents which only make posts or just do random advertising with little or no results to show for their efforts!

Facebook For Real Estate Agents Strategies that work!

1-Start with the end result in mind!

So instead of start advertising, think about the customer journey and what customer would want from you.

What do we mean by that?

Here are some points to consider:

1-What customers actually want?

2-Why a Facebook user should click your ad?

3-Your target market

4-Do you have a re-targeting platform?

5-How are you communicating with the people who submit their details?

6-Are you using the latest automation technologies to set yourself aside from 99.9% of the market?

7-What you from differentiates you from the rest of the noises in the market?

2-Provide valuable advice and content

In order to dominate your market, you need to provide valuable and actionable content.

Here are some examples of valuable content:

  • Provide Statistics of why they should use auction or private treaty
  • Insight as of why some houses don’t sell
  • How to get maximum dollars from the buyers
  • How to make your property ready for maximum value

There are literally thousands of tips you can provide to potential clients and this will make you an authority in your target market.

3-Don’t ask for business straight away!

Most real estate agents are too eager to call a lead and they try to close the deal ASAP without finding out the motivation of their clients.

You need to provide valuable advice and then ask for business.

The rules of business have changed and if you want to be successful in using Facebook to get leads and listings, you need to change you ways.

4- Automation is a must for Successful Facebook Strategies for Real estate agents!

Use it or lose it!

If you are not going to automate your lead generations and want to just smash those phones, then you will not succeed in generating successful leads.

What to do next?

Book a time to talk to one of our consultants and see how we can help you to get at least 20 extra leads a month!

Click here to book a time and let’s get you more listings!